University Research Planning in the Data Era: Working with the Levers and Pulleys that Tie Together Research Information, from Big Data to Local Details
Lied Lodge, Nebraska City, NE
July 19-21, 2017
This year, 20 administrators, faculty, and students from five institutions in Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska attended our 21st retreat. They were joined by two executives from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association as well. Annually, this event brings together University administrators and researcher-scientists for informal discussions that lead to the identification of pressing issues, understanding of different perspectives, and the creation of plans of action to enhance research productivity within our institutions. Our focus was on opportunities and challenges of big data for research in public universities.
Pictured: first row, left to right: Ian Czarnezki, Mike Cannon, Margaret Rogers, Michael Huerta, Mabel Rice, John Colombo. Second row, Amanda Kulp, Dan Reed, Steve Goddard, Russ Waitman, David Eichman. Third row, Josh Rosenbloom, Amy Sokol, Teresa Girolamo, Claire Selin, Carolyn Lawrence-Dill. Fourth row: Joe Heppert, Carl Lejuez, Rick Barohn, Jennifer L. Clark, Surya Mallapragada, Kathleen Kelsey Earnest, Suzanne Scales

Retreat Participants
National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
- Michael Huerta, Associate Director
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Mike Cannon, Director of Serial Publications and Editorial Services
- Margaret Rogers, Chief Staff Officer for Science & Research
Iowa State University
- Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, Associate Professor, Dept. of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology and Dept. of Agronomy
- Surya K. Mallapragada, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Associate Vice President of Research
- Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Economics, Iowa State University; and Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research
Kansas State University
- Ian Czarnezki, Director of Operations, Office of the Vice President for Research
University of Iowa
- Daniel A. Reed, Vice President for Research and Economic Development
- David Eichmann, Associate Professor; Director, School of Library and Information Science; Chair, Information Science Subprogram, Iowa Graduate Program in Informatics
University of Kansas
- Richard Barohn, Vice Chancellor for Research, KUMC
- John Colombo, Director, Life Span Institute
- Kathleen Kelsey Earnest, Data Analyst, Postdoctoral Fellow
- Teresa Girolamo, Doctoral Candidate, Child Language Doctoral Program
- Joseph Heppert, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
- Carl Lejuez, Dean, College or Arts & Sciences
- Amanda Kulp, Principal Analyst, Program Manager, Professional Record Online (PRO)
- Mabel Rice, Fred and Virginia Merrill Distinguished Professor of Advanced
Studies; Director, Merrill Advanced Studies Center - Claire Selin, Doctoral Candidate, Child Language Doctoral Program
- Amy Jurevic Sokol, Associate General Counsel and Risk Manager, KUMC
- Russ Waitman, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine; Associate Vice Chancellor for Enterprise Analytics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Steve Goddard, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
- Jennifer L. Clarke, Director, Quantitative Life Sciences Initiative; Professor, Department of Statistics, Department of Food Science and Technology
Wednesday, July 19
Opening Reception
- Welcome by Mabel Rice, Director of the Merrill Advanced Studies Center at KU
- Introduction of Participants
Thursday, July 20
Brief group photo shoot on lobby stairs
- Welcome and introduction of the keynote speaker - Mabel Rice
Keynote Address
- Dr. Michael Huerta, Associate Director, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. “Realizing the Promise of a Digital Ecosystem for Science and Scholarship”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Researcher Panel
- Russ Waitman, University of Kansas Medical Center, “From Hospital Informatics Laboratories to National Data Networks: Positioning Academic Medical Centers to Advance Clinical Research”
- Carolyn Lawrence-Dill, Iowa State University, “Cross-disciplinary activities in Big Data for Agricultural Innovation”
- Jennifer Clarke, University of Nebraska, “Developing Data Science at UNL: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities for Research”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, John Colombo
Research Administrator Panel
- Josh Rosenbloom, Iowa State University, “Automating Reporting for the NSF Higher Ed R&D Survey using Machine Learning”
- Amy Sokol, University of Kansas Medical Center, “Legal Issues with Research Utilizing Data: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly”
- Ian Czarnezki, Kansas State University, “Hitting the mark – facilitating research administration to support the institutional strategic plan”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Richard Barohn
Researcher Panel
- Margaret Rogers, American Speech-Language Hearing Association, “ “Influencing the culture of scholarly and professional communities to advance clinical research and accelerate knowledge translation”
- David Eichmann, University of Iowa, “Towards a Research Profiling Ecosystem: Weaving Scholarly, Linked Open and Big Data”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Research Administrator Panel
- Carl Lejuez, University of Kansas, “What if the garbage in could be the treasure out?: The pitfalls and promise of behavioral assessment data for understanding human behavior”
- Mike Cannon, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, “Wrangling the scientific publication process for knowledge translation as the platforms expand”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, John Colombo
Friday, July 21
Opening Remarks — Mabel Rice
Researcher and Administrator Panel
- Surya Mallapragada, Iowa State University, “Aligning researcher practice to support public access to research data”
- Joe Heppert, University of Kansas, "If a tree fell in a forest 300 million years ago, did it leave a data trail?"
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Richard Barohn
Research Administrator Panel
- Dan Reed, University of Iowa, “Data, Consent, Privacy and Insight”
- Steve Goddard, University of Nebraska, "Research and Economic Development Growth Initiative (REDGI) 2012-2017: A Case Study"
Keynote Response, Michael Huerta
Final Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Lunch and Departure