Surviving and Anticipating Waves of Change in Public Research Universities
The Fontaine Hotel, Kansas City, MO
July 13-15, 2022
The Merrill Center annually brings together University administrators and researcher-scientists for informal discussions that lead to the identification of pressing issues, understanding of different perspectives, and the creation of plans of action to enhance research productivity within our institutions. At the 25th annual research policy retreat, the topic was Surviving and Anticipating Waves of Change in Public Research Universities.
Pictured below, front to back, left to right: Peter Dorhout, Prathap Parameswaran, Beth Montelone, Joseph Steinmetz, Mabel Rice, Doug Girod, Donna Ginther, Barbara Bichelmeyer, Amanda Raimer-Tait; Timothy Nelson, Bob Wilhelm, Bernadette Gray-Little, Wendy Wintersteen, Kim Wilcox, Jennifer Roberts, Karina Saechao; Kylie Helm, Samantha Ghali, John Colombo, Dan Reed, Matthew Martens, D. Raj Raman, Kimber Richter; Cari Vukelich, Erik Lundquist, Simon Atkinson, Robert Simari, John Symons

Retreat Participants
Keynote Speaker
- Kim A. Wilcox, Chancellor, University of California, Riverside
Featured Speakers
- Bernadette Gray-Little, Former Chancellor, University of Kansas
- Dan Reed, Presidential Professor, University of Utah
- Joseph Steinmetz, Executive Director, Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System
- Wendy Wintersteen, President, Iowa State University
Iowa State University
- Peter K. Dorhout, Vice President for Research
- D. Raj Raman, Morrill Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
University of Kansas
- Simon Atkinson, Vice Chancellor for Research
- Barbara A. Bichelmeyer, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
- John Colombo, Professor of Psychology; Director, Life Span Institute; Interim Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Samantha Ghali, CCC-SLP, Child Language Doctoral Program Candidate
- Donna Ginther, Roy A. Roberts and Regents Distinguished Professor of Economics; Director, Institute for Policy & Social Research
- Doug Girod, Chancellor
- Kylie Helm, Child Language Doctoral Program Candidate
- Erik Lundquist, Professor, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
- Mabel Rice, Fred and Virginia Merrill Distinguished Professor of Advanced Studies; Director, Merrill Advanced Studies Center
- Jennifer Roberts, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Graduate Studies
- Karina Saechao, Child Language Doctoral Program Candidate
- John Symons, Professor of Philosophy, Chair of Economics, and Director of the Center for Cyber-social Dynamics
University of Kansas Medical Center
- Kimber Richter, Ph.D., MPH, Professor, Population Health, KU School of Medicine
- Robert D. Simari, M.D., Executive Vice Chancellor
Kansas State University
- Beth Montelone, Senior Associate, Vice President for Research
- Prathap Parameswaran, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
University of Missouri
- Matthew Martens, Senior Vice Provost
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Timothy Nelson, Professor, Center for Brain, Biology and Behavior
- Amanda Ramer-Tait, Maxcy Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Associate Professor of Immunology & Microbiology, Department of Food Science and Technology
- Bob Wilhelm, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
The Fontaine Hotel, Kansas City
July 13-15, 2022
Wednesday, July 13
Opening Reception
- Welcome and Introduction of Participants – Mabel Rice, Director, Merrill Advanced Studies Center at KU
Thursday, July 14
Group Photo
- Welcome – Mabel Rice
- Introduction of Keynote Speaker – Doug Girod, Chancellor, University of Kansas
Keynote Address
- Kim Wilcox, Chancellor, University of California, Riverside, “Surfing Tsunamis and Deserts: Educational Access in an Era of Extreme Conditions”
- Open Discussion – Moderator Doug Girod
- Introduction of Featured Speakers – Barbara Bichelmeyer, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Kansas
Featured Speakers
- Joe Steinmetz, Executive Director, Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System, “Assessing Quality in Higher Education in a Changing Environment”
- Wendy Wintersteen, President, Iowa State University, “Kindling, Spark, Oxygen: The Wave of Change for Students at Public Research Universities”
- Bernadette Gray-Little, Former Chancellor, University of Kansas, “Political Influence in the Governance of Public Higher Education”
- Open Discussion – Moderator Barbara Bichelmeyer
Research Administrator Panel
- Simon Atkinson, University of Kansas, “Principles for Major Research Development Initiatives and Investments”
- Peter Dorhout, Iowa State University, “Surfing the Leadership Pipeline – Growing Leaders from within STEM”
- Beth Montelone, Kansas State University, “Public Universities as Agents of Economic Prosperity”
- Open Discussion – Moderator John Colombo
Researcher Panel
- Donna Ginther, University of Kansas, “The Impact of Automation on the Future of Work and Higher Education”
- Kimber Richter, University of Kansas Medical Center, “Persistent and Consistent Underpromotion of Women in Academic Medicine: It’s Time to Make Some Waves”
- Prathap Parameswaran, Kansas State University, “Sustainable and Total Recovery of Resources (Energy, Clean Water, and Fertilizers) from Wastewaters through the Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) Platform”
- Open Discussion – Moderator Jennifer Roberts
Research Administrator Panel
- Robert Simari, University of Kansas Medical Center, “Leading during COVID: A View from a Physician-Leader”
- Matthew Martens, University of Missouri, “The MizzouForward Initiative”
- Open Discussion – Moderator Erik Lundquist
Friday, July 15
Researcher Panel
- Raj Raman, Iowa State University, “Science with Practice on a Three-Legged Stool”
- John Symons, University of Kansas, “What Makes an Institution Resilient?”
- Timothy Nelson, Amanda Ramer-Tait, and Bob Wilhem, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, “Intentional Research Team Building”
- Open Discussion – Moderator Mabel Rice
- Introduction of Featured Speaker – Mabel Rice
Featured Speaker
- Dan Reed, Presidential Professor, University of Utah, “Global Megatrends: Be the Change You Seek; The 21st Century Public Research University”
- Open Discussion – Moderator Mabel Rice
Lunch and Departure