Future Directions for Federal Research Funding
The Barn, Valley Falls, KS
June 20-22, 2007
Our keynote speaker for this research retreat was Dr. James Battey, Director, National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders, NIH.
Regional research administrators and research faculty participated in formal presentations and moderated discussions, and then conference participants continued related discussions over meals and in the relaxed atmosphere.
Pictured standing, left to right: Evelyn Haaheim, Jim Roberts, Prem Paul, Jeremy Anderson, Keith Yehle, Loretta Johnson, Joe Steinmetz, Rick Barohn, Paul Terranova, John Brighton, Jordan Green. Seated: Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett, Steve Warren, Beth Montelone, Brian Foster, James Battey, Mabel Rice, Richard Lariviere, Barbara Atkinson, Dick Schiefelbusch

Retreat Participants
Keynote Speaker
- James F. Battey, Jr., M.D., Ph.D., Director, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders, NIH
Iowa State University
- John Brighton, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Research
Kansas State University
- Loretta Johnson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Co-Director of Ecological Genomics Institute
- Beth A. Montelone, Ph.D., Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences
The University of Kansas
- Barbara Atkinson, M.D., Executive Dean and Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs, University of Kansas School of Medicine
- Richard Barohn, M.D., Professor and Chair, Neurology Dept., KU Medical Center
- Richard Lariviere, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
- Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Mabel L. Rice, Ph.D., The Fred & Virginia Merrill Distinguished Professor of Advanced Studies and Director of the Merrill Center
- James A. Roberts, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Research and President, KU Center for Research
- Richard Schiefelbusch, Ph.D., Director Emeritus of the Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies and the Merrill Center, and Merrill Board member
- Joseph Steinmetz, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Paul Terranova, Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Kansas Medical Center
- Steven F. Warren, Ph.D., Director, Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies, and Merrill Board member
- Keith Yehle, Director of Government Relations
University of Missouri
- Brian Foster, Ph.D., Provost
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Prem Paul, D.V.M., Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Research
- Jordan Green, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Corwin Moore Chair in Communication Disorders
Other Participants
- Jeremy Anderson, Office of the Governor of Kansas
The Barn, Valley Falls
June 20-22, 2007
Wednesday, June 20
Opening Reception
- Welcome by Mabel Rice, Director of the Merrill Center at KU
- Introduction of Participants
Thursday, June 21
- Welcome and introduction of the speaker – Mabel Rice
Keynote Address
- James Battey, Director, National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders, NIH, “NIDCD and Stem Cells: Current Challenges and Future Promise"
- Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Research Administrators Panel
- Prem Paul, Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, “Sustained and Balanced Investment in Research & Innovation Critical to U.S. Competitiveness”
- Joseph Steinmetz, Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Kansas, “The Importance of External Grant Support for a Public College of Arts and Science”
- Discussion – Moderator, Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett
Group Photo
Researchers Panel
- Richard J. Barohn, M.D., Professor and Chairman, Dept. of Neurology, KUMC, “Update on the General Clinical Research Program and the Heartland Institute for Clinical and Translational Research”
- Jordan Green, Associate Professor and the Corwin Moore Chair in Communication Disorders at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, “The Natural History of a Federally Funded Researcher”
- Discussion – Moderator, Keith Yehle
Research Administrators Panel
- Jim Roberts, Vice Provost for Research, KU, “Industry Funding of University Research: Can it Replace Federal Funding?”
- Beth A. Montelone, Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, KSU, “Initiatives to Increase Faculty Competitiveness for Federal Research Funding”
- Barbara Atkinson, Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Kansas Medical Center; Executive Dean, School of Medicine, “The Next Frontier”
- Discussion – Moderator, Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett
Friday, June 22
Opening Remarks – Mabel Rice
Researchers Panel
- Steven F. Warren, Director, Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies, “Past as Prelude: Lessons for the Future Learned from 50 Years on the Edge”
- Loretta Johnson, Associate Professor, Division of Biology, KSU, “The Emerging Field of Ecological Genomics”
- Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Research Administrators Panel
- John A. Brighton, Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Iowa State University, “Competitive vs. Directed (Earmarks) Funding: How to Manage/Various Agencies”
- Paul Terranova, Director, Center for Reproductive Sciences, KUMC, “The Status of Research at KUMC”
- Discussion – Moderator, Jeremy Anderson
Research Administrators Panel
- Brian Foster, Provost, University of Missouri/Columbia, “Keeping our Bearings in Very Rough Seas”
- Richard Lariviere, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Kansas, “Comments on Future Directions for Research”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Lunch and Departure