Planning for Research After COVID
Lied Lodge, Nebraska City, NE
July 14-16, 2021
The Merrill Center annually brings together University administrators and researcher-scientists for informal discussions that lead to the identification of pressing issues, understanding of different perspectives, and the creation of plans of action to enhance research productivity within our institutions. At the 24th annual research policy retreat, Planning for Research after COVID, the focus was on the impact of the COVID pandemic on our universities, with a concentration on the challenges for research in the wake of the pervasive effects of the pandemic.
Pictured front to back, left to right: Kimberly Kirkpatrick, Samantha Ghali, Barbara Bichelmeyer, Joe Steinmetz, Doug Girod, Mabel Rice, Beth Montelone, Karina Saechao; Sally Maliski, Peter Dorhout, Simon Atkinson, Bob Wilhelm, Julienne Krennrich, Rick Barohn; Suzanne Scales, Kristi Williams, Dale Slusser, John Carroll, Susan Lunte.

Retreat Participants
Keynote Speaker
- Joseph E. Steinmetz, Executive Director, Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System; Former Chancellor of the University of Arkansas
Iowa State University
- Peter K. Dorhout, Vice President for Research
Ames Laboratory, U.S. DOE
- Julienne M. Krennrich, Director, Innovation Partnerships
Kansas State University
- Beth A. Montelone, Senior Associate Vice President for Research
- Kimberly Kirkpatrick, University Distinguished Professor
University of Kansas
- Mabel L. Rice, Fred and Virginia Merrill Distinguished Professor of Advanced Studies Director, Merrill Advanced Studies Center
- Simon Atkinson, Vice Chancellor for Research
- Barbara Bichelmeyer, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
- Samantha Ghali, Child Language Doctoral Program Doctoral Candidate
- Doug Girod, Chancellor
- Susan Lunte, Ralph N. Adams Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Sally L. Maliski, Dean and Endowed Professor in Oncology Nursing
- Karina Saechao, Child Language Doctoral Program Doctoral Candidate
- Dale Slusser, Associate Vice President, Development
- Kristine Williams, E. Jean Hill Professor, KU School of Nursing
University of Missouri-Columbia
- Richard J. Barohn, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- John P. Carroll, Professor and Director, School of Natural Resources
- Bob Wilhelm, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
Lied Lodge, Nebraska City, NE
July 14-16, 2021
Wednesday, July 14
Opening Reception
- Welcome by Mabel Rice, Director of the Merrill Advanced Studies Center at KU
- Introduction of Participants
Thursday, July 15
Brief group photo shoot on lobby stairs
Opening session
- Mabel Rice, Director, Merrill Advanced Studies Center
- Doug Girod, Chancellor, University of Kansas
- Introduction of the keynote speaker
Keynote Address
- Joseph Steinmetz, Former Chancellor, University of Arkansas, “The Pandemic Appears to be Waning: What's Next for our Universities”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Doug Girod
Researcher Administrator Panel
- Beth Montelone, Kansas State University, “Post-pandemic research innovations contributing to economic development”
- Sally Maliski, University of Kansas Medical Center, “Exploring Differences in Androgen Deprivation Therapy Use for Prostate Cancer between Black Men and White Men”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Simon Atkinson
- Julienne Krennrich, Iowa State University (Ames Laboratory), “Leveraging the DOE Labs to Respond to the Pandemic”
- Susan Lunte, University of Kansas, “Role of Enabling Analytical Technologies in Research During and After COVID”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Simon Atkinson
Research/Administrator Panel
- Rick Barohn, University of Missouri-Columbia, “COVID-19 and MU Health: How We Adjusted and How We Will Move Forward”
- Simon Atkinson, University of Kansas, “A Shrinking Globe: The Future of International Research Engagement”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Dale Slusser
Research/Administrator Panel
- Bob Wilhelm and John Carroll, University of Nebraska, “COVID Impact on Ag Field Research”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Barbara Bichelmeyer
Friday, July 16
Researcher Panel
- Kimberly Kirkpatrick, Kansas State University, “Junior Investigator Development in the Era of COVID-19
- Kristine Williams, University of Kansas Medical Center, "Post Pandemic Directions for Aging Care Research”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Research/Administrator Panel
- Peter Dorhout, Iowa State University, “What is Past is Prologue...Research Response to a Pandemic Tempest”
- Barbara Bichelmeyer, University of Kansas, “Impact of COVID-19 on the Higher Education Academic Enterprise”
Final Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Lunch and Departure