Planning for Research Excellence in the Era of Analytics
Lied Lodge, Nebraska City, NE
July 17-19, 2013
Our keynote speaker for this research retreat was Joseph Steinmetz, Ph.D, Senior Executive Vice President and Provost, The Ohio State University.
Regional research administrators and research faculty participated in formal presentations and moderated discussions, and then conference participants continued related discussions over meals in the relaxed atmosphere.
First row, left to right: Melinda Merrill, Danny Anderson, Joe Steinmetz, Steve Warren, Mabel Rice. Second row, left to right: Mary Lee Hummert, Glenn Horton-Smith, Kimberly Kirkpatrick, Rodolfo Torres, Regina Werum, Evelyn Haaheim. Third row, left to right: Deb Teeter, Gary Allen, Sara Rosen, Mike O'Brien. Fourth row, left to right: Arun Somani, Amit Chakrabarti, Matt Schuette, Mardy Eimers, Susan Kemper, Michael Zeleny.

Keynote Speaker
- Joseph E. Steinmetz, PhD, Senior Executive Vice President and Provost, The Ohio State University
Iowa State University
- Arun K. Somani, PhD, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor
Kansas State University
- Amit Chakrabarti, PhD, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering
- Glenn Horton-Smith, PhD, Associate Professor of Physics
- Kimberly Kirkpatrick, PhD, Professor of Psychological Services
The University of Kansas
- Danny Anderson, PhD, Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
- Mabel L. Rice, PhD, Fred & Virginia Merrill Distinguished Professor of Advanced Studies; Director of the Merrill Center
- Mary Lee Hummert, PhD, Vice Provost for Faculty Development
- Susan Kemper, PhD, Roberts Distinguished Professor of Psychology
- Sara Rosen, PhD, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Deb Teeter, University Director, Office of Institutional Research and Planning
- Rodolfo Torres, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Studies
- Steven Warren, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Studies
University of Kansas Medical Center
- Douglas Girod, MD, F.A.C.S., Executive Vice Chancellor, KU School of Medicine
- Matthew Schuette, PhD, Principal Research Analyst
University of Missouri
- Gary K. Allen, PhD, Vice President for Information Technology
- Mardy Eimers, PhD, Director, Institutional Research and Quality Improvement
- Mike O’Brien, PhD, Dean, College of Arts and Science
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Regina Werum, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
- Michael J. Zeleny, PhD, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research
Estes Institute
- Melinda Merrill, Executive Director
Lied Lodge, Nebraska City, NE
July 17-19, 2013
Wednesday, July 17
Opening Reception
- Welcome by Mabel Rice, Director of the Merrill Advanced Studies Center at KU
- Introduction of Participants
Thursday, July 18
Brief group photo shoot
- Welcome and introduction of the keynote speaker – Mabel Rice
Keynote Address
- Joe Steinmetz, Senior Executive Vice President and Provost, The Ohio State University, “University Decision-Making and Data Analytics”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Research Administrators Panel
- Regina Werum, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Nebraska, and Michael Zeleny, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Nebraska, “Squaring the Circle: Using Analytics to Pursue Institutional Goals”
- Mardy Eimers, Director, Institutional Research and Quality Improvement, University of Missouri, “Transparency in the Age of Scholarly Analytics”
- Steve Warren, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Kansas, “Analytics, Accountability, and the Future of Research Universities”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Danny Anderson
Research Administrators Panel
- Danny Anderson, Dean, College of Arts and Science, University of Kansas, “Deans, Data, and Decisions”
- Mike O’Brien, Dean, College of Arts and Science, University of Missouri, “I'll Have What She's Having: Mapping Collective Behavior in the Big-Data Era”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mary Lee Hummert
Research Faculty Panel
- Glenn Horton-Smith, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Kansas State University, “’Big Data’ projects in High Energy Physics and Cosmology at Kansas State University”
- Matthew Schuette, Principal Research Analyst, University of Kansas Medical Center, “Evolution of Research Reporting – from Excel to QlikView”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Paul Terranova
Research Administrators Panel
- Doug Girod, Executive Vice Chancellor, KUMC; Interim Executive Dean, KU School of Medicine, “Rational Approach to Funding Your Research Enterprise”
- Arun Somani, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, Iowa State University, “Understanding, Evaluating, and Reporting Research Productivity and Impact”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Friday, July 19
Opening Remarks – Mabel Rice
Research Faculty Panel
- Kimberly Kirkpatrick, Professor, Psychological Sciences, Kansas State University, “Data mining and neurocomputational modeling in the neurosciences”
- Susan Kemper, Roberts Distinguished Professor, Psychology, and Senior Scientist, Gerontology, University of Kansas, “What does it all mean?”
- Rodolfo Torres, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Kansas, “Research Analytics: Facilitating the use of metrics to improve the research profile of academic programs”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mary Lee Hummert
Research Administrators Panel
- Gary Allen, Vice President for Information Technology, University of Missouri System; CIO, University of Missouri, “Research Excellence in the Era of Analytics: considerations for Information Technology”
- Amit Chakrabarti, William and Joan Porter Professor and Head, Dept. of Physics, Kansas State University, “Physics Research and Student Training in the Era of Big Data and Analytics”
- Final Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Lunch and Departure