Re-Thinking and Re-Engineering Incentives for Scholarly Activities across the Research Enterprise in an Open Access Environment
Lied Lodge, Nebraska City, NE
July 18-20, 2018
Eighteen administrators, faculty, and students from five institutions in Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska attended the 2018 retreat, Re-thinking and Reengineering Incentives for Scholarly Activities Across the Research Enterprise in an Open Access Environment. Additionally, executives from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health attended. The event marked the Merrill Center's 22nd retreat.
Pictured: first row, left to right: Gary Pratt, Mabel Rice, Joe Steinmetz, Michael Huerta, and Margaret Rogers. Second row: James Reecy, Rodolfo Torres, Belinda Sturm, Jennifer Larsen, M. Hashim Raza. Third row: Bob Wilhelm, Sarah Nusser, Mike Cannon, Adina Howe, Kathleen Kelsey Earnest. Fourth row: Dawn O. Braithwaite, Peter Smith, Richard Barohn, Deb Teeter, Perry Alexander, Suzanne Scales

Retreat Participants
Keynote Speaker
- Joseph E. Steinmetz, Chancellor of the University of Arkansas
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Mike Cannon, Director of Serial Publications and Editorial Services
- Margaret Rogers, Chief Staff Officer for Science & Research
National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
- Michael Huerta, Associate Director for Program Development/Coordinator of Data Science and Open Science
Iowa State University
- Adina Howe, Assistant Professor, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
- Sarah Nusser, Vice President for Research
- James Reecy, Associate Vice President for Research
Kansas State University
- Gary L. Pratt, Chief Information Officer
University of Kansas
- Mabel L. Rice, Fred and Virginia Merrill Distinguished Professor of Advanced Studies Director, Merrill Advanced Studies Center
- Perry Alexander, AT&T Distinguished Professor & ITTC Director
- Richard Barohn, Professor/Vice Chancellor for Research, KUMC
- Kathleen Kelsey Earnest, Data Analyst, Postdoctoral Fellow
- Carl Lejuez, Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
- M. Hashim Raza, Assistant Professor, Child Language Doctoral Program
- Peter Smith, Senior Associate Dean for Research, School of Medicine
- Belinda Sturm, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
- Deb Teeter, University Director, Office of Institutional Research and Planning
- Rodolfo Torres, University Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Dawn O. Braithwaite, Willa Cather Professor and Department Chair Department of Communication Studies
- Bob Wilhelm, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
University of Nebraska Medical Center
- Jennifer Larsen, Vice Chancellor for Research, Louise and Morton Degen Professor of Internal Medicine
Lied Lodge, Nebraska City, NE
July 18-20, 2018
Wednesday, July 18
Opening Reception
- Welcome by Mabel Rice, Director of the Merrill Advanced Studies Center at KU
- Introduction of Participants
Thursday, July 19
Brief group photo shoot on lobby stairs
- Welcome and introduction of the keynote speaker - Mabel Rice
Keynote Address
- Joe Steinmetz, Chancellor of the University of Arkansas, “The Role of Universities in Promoting Scholarly Work in the Emerging Open Access World”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Researcher Administrator Panel
- Richard Barohn, University of Kansas Medical Center, “Setting Realistic Expectations for Research Activity and Productivity for Junior Health Professions Faculty”
- Jennifer Larsen, University of Nebraska Medical Center, “Strategies and Impediments to Reward Collaborative Research”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Margaret Rogers
Research/Administrator Panel
- Adina Howe, Iowa State University, “Launching Collaborations with Open Science”
- Rodolfo Torres, University of Kansas, “New Challenges and Opportunities for International Research Collaborations on a More Level Playing Field”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Deb Teeter
Researcher Panel
- Perry Alexander, University of Kansas, “Computing as a Liberal Art”
- James Reecy, Iowa State University, “Efforts to Enable Credit for Data Sharing”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Mike Cannon
Research Administrator Panel
- Bob Wilhelm and Dawn Braithwaite, University of Nebraska, “Recognition and Incentive: The Value of an Institutional Strategy for Faculty Awards”
- Peter Smith, University of Kansas Medical Center, “KUMC School of Medicine Allocation Model: Aligning Funding with Expectations”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Rodolfo Torres
Friday, July 20
Opening Remarks – Mabel Rice
Administrator Panel
- Sarah Nusser, Iowa State University, “Motivating Campus to adopt Open Science”
- Gary Pratt, Kansas State, “From Collegial to Collaborative – the Long Road to Building a Sustainable and Standardized Research Technology Service”
- Open Discussion – Moderator, Carl Lejuez
Summative Remarks/Reactions
- Mike Huerta
- Joe Steinmetz
Final Discussion – Moderator, Mabel Rice
Lunch and Departure