Recruiting and Training Future Scientists: How Policy Shapes the Mission of Graduate Education
The Barn, Valley Falls, KS
June 25-27, 2003
This year was the seventh year of the Merrill Center regional retreat series, The Research Mission of Public Universities. This annual retreat has become an important vehicle for university administrators who want to develop policies to propel their research labs to new levels and enhance their institutional rankings. Prominent faculty share their experiences in graduate education, product marketing, and grantsmanship, including tips for productivity and successful collaboration. These lively dialogues are captured in the publication of a white paper each year.
Pictured standing, left to right: Jim Guikema, Jim Coleman, Kim Wilcox, Ron Trewyn, Keith Yehle, Dan Monaghan, Bob Woody, Jeffrey Katz, James Bloedel, John Colombo, John Mayfield, Janet Murguia, David Kensinger, Janice Buss, John David, Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, Ellen Weissinger, Joy Simpson. Seated: David Shulenburger, Robert Barnhill, Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett, Mabel Rice, Martha Crago, Debra Stewart, Diane Carlin, Steve Warren, Donald Hagan, Dick Schiefelbusch

Retreat Participants
Keynote Speakers
- Debra Stewart, President, Council of Graduate Schools, USA
- Martha Crago, President of the Canadian Association of Graduate Studies, Associate Vice Principal of Teaching Programs, and Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at McGill
University of Nebraska
- Dan Monaghan, Professor of Pharmacology, Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha
- Ellen Weissinger, Executive Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Lincoln campus
- Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, Associate Professor of Physics, Lincoln campus
Iowa State University
- James Bloedel, Vice Provost for Research and Advanced Studies
- John Mayfield, Associate Dean of the Graduate School
- Janice Buss, Associate Professor, Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology
Kansas State University
- Ron W. Trewyn, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School
- James Guikema, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Research
- Jeffrey Katz, Professor of Management & the Payless Shoe Source Professor of Business
University of Missouri - Columbia
- Jim Coleman, Vice Provost for Research
- Suzanne Ortega, Vice Provost for Advanced Studies & Dean of the Graduate School
- John David, Associate Professor and Director of Biological Sciences
University of Kansas
- Donald Hagen, Executive Vice Chancellor, Medical Center in Kansas City
- David Shulenburger, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Lawrence campus
- Janet Murguia, Executive Vice Chancellor for University Relations
- Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett, Senior Vice Provost
- Robert Barnhill, Vice Provost for Research and President, KU Center for Research
- Mabel Rice, Director of the Merrill Center and the Child Language Doctoral Program
- Diana Carlin, Dean of the Graduate School
- John Colombo, Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Psychology
- Kim Wilcox, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Steve Warren, Director of the Schiefelbusch Institute for Life Span Studies
- Richard Schiefelbusch, Director Emeritus, Life Span Institute & the Merrill Center
Legislative Liaisons
- Keith Yehle, Legislative Director, Office of Senator Pat Roberts
- David Kensinger, Chief of Staff, Office of Senator Sam Brownback
- Robert Woody, KU Counsel in Washington, D.C.
- Jon Josserand, Legislative Liaison, Chancellor's Office, University of Kansas
The Barn Bed and Breakfast Inn, Valley Falls, Kansas
June 25-27, 2003
Wednesday, June 25
Opening reception
- Welcome by Mabel Rice, Director of the Merrill Center at KU
Thursday, June 26
Introductory Remarks – Mabel Rice, Director of the Merrill Center
Keynote Address
- Debra Stewart, President of the Council of Graduate Schools – USA, “Policy Issues and Institutional Responses: The Graduate Dean as the 21st-century Janus”
- Robert Barnhill, Vice Chancellor for Research and President of the KU Center for Research, “Is Academic Research Sustainable?”
- Discussion – Moderator, Robert Barnhill
Researchers Panel
- Dan Monaghan, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, “Recruiting while Unselling Graduate School”
- Jan Buss, Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Director of the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology Graduate Program, Iowa State University, “Why Interdisciplinary Programs Attract Great Graduate Students”
- John Colombo, Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the Graduate School, University of Kansas, “Efficiency in Doctoral Training”
- Discussion – Moderator, John David
Research/Graduate Administrators Panel
- Ron W. Trewyn, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School, Kansas State University, “Recruiting and Training Future Scientists: Converting Intellectual Capital into Intellectual Property”
- Jim Coleman, Vice Provost for Research, University of Missouri at Columbia, “Creating Waves of Change: How Might the Bayle-Dole Act be Shaping the Landscape of Graduate Education?”
- Ellen Weissinger, Executive Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, “Diffusing Graduate Reform Initiatives in the Sciences: How Might ‘Institutionalization’ Really Work?”
- Discussion – Moderator, James Bloedel
Graduate School Administrators Panel
- Suzanne Ortega, Vice Provost for Advanced Studies and Dean of the Graduate School, University of Missouri – Columbia, “Projects, Process and Pipelines: Challenges to Enhancing the Scientific Laborforce”
- Diana Carlin, Dean of the Graduate School, University of Kansas, “Graduate Education in the Global Era: Threats, Challenges and Impacts”
- John Mayfield, Associate Dean of the Graduate College, Iowa State University, “The Impact of Policy on Interdisciplinary Graduate Education at Iowa State University”
- Discussion – Moderator, James Guikema
Friday, June 27
Group Photo
Opening Remarks – Mabel Rice
Keynote Address
- Martha Crago, President of the Canadian Association of Graduate Studies, “Good News, Bad News: Graduate Studies and Research in the Canadian Context”
- Discussion – Moderator, Kathleen McCluskey-Fawcett
Researchers/Mentors Panel
- Jeff Katz, Professor of Management, Kansas State University, “Recruiting and Training Business-Savvy Scientists: A Reflection on the Changing Policy of Graduate Education”
- Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, “Integrating Research and Education: Addressing Faculty and Institutional Responsibilities”
- Kim Wilcox, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Kansas, “Victim of Success: A Disciplinary Case Study”
- Discussion – Moderator, Donald Hagen
Conference Summary and Comments – Martha Crago
Discussion – Moderator, David Shulenburger