Development and Disabilities Conferences

In science today, no single discipline can unravel the complex issues surrounding the causes and treatment of human disabilities. At Merrill scientific conferences, world-class experts often meet as a group for the first time and establish new directions for interdisciplinary research. These collegial partnerships set the stage for nationally-competitive projects.
The Merrill Center has released edited collections based on these conferences. The books draw upon the fields of biomedicine, psychology, behavioral science, pharmacology, education, and communication disorders, and have been published by the American Psychological Association, Lawrence Erlbaum and Kluwer Academic Publishers.
2008: Neurobehavioral Approaches to the Study of Clinical Disorders
2005: Infant Pathways to Language: Methods, Models, and Research Directions
2004: Modeling Developmental Processes in Ecological Context
1999: Self-Injurious Behavior, Mental Retardation and Autism
1998: Constraints on Language: Grammar, Memory and Aging